Routine Teeth Cleanings
For most people, a routine teeth cleaning every six months is recommended to minimize the buildup of plaque (bacterial coating) on the surface of teeth. These routine teeth cleaning, combined with home care, is usually enough to keep gums healthy, keep breath fresh and teeth white and clean. Plaque (bacterial coating) if left on the teeth contributes to the formation of tooth decay and gum disease. We do our best to offer gentle cleanings and to ensure that you will be well taken care of. For the little ones, we provide teeth cleaning with our child dentistry services in San Antonio.
Our goal is to provide as comfortable a cleaning experience as possible whether you are having routine care or gum disease treatment. Be sure to read about our Comfort Digital x-rays combined with your teeth cleaning appointment! Contact Alamo Ranch Dental for your teeth cleaning appointment.
Periodontal Cleanings
For patients who need a little extra care, we provide periodontal (gum) therapy or periodontal teeth cleaning. Much like a home needs a strong foundation, teeth need healthy gums and bone support for a healthy foundation. Periodontal disease is an infection that may affect one tooth, several teeth or all teeth. If left untreated, bacteria, plaque and tartar (calculus) cause bleeding gums and bone loss that may lead to tooth loss. It has also been linked to other serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and low birth-weight premature infants in pregnant women. Below is a diagram of the progression from healthy teeth and gums to bleeding or puffy gums and bone loss due to the presence of bacteria around the root. If you have any degree of periodontal disease, we want to help control the disease, so you may need periodontal teeth cleaning more often. After all, your oral and overall health is important to us.
Call 210.538.2772 to make your routine teeth cleaning appointment in San Antonio, TX.